August 01, 2004

Lisa Mains Saley
From an email March 2004
To Everyone that has had the privilege to have met, known, or have been involved with my wife Lisa, It is with great sadness to announce her passing to a better place. These last three years of having battled IBC breast cancer has been a tremendous burden and blessing. Lisa was always strong and positive even during the dark days of the last three months. Time, as Lisa said, was the most precious gift to give oneself. We had that as a couple and as a family. We have traveled and spent great times with friends and family. We have been to many places San Francisco, Alcatraz, the wine country, New Orleans (many times), Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, New Hampshire (Santa's Village), Marti Gras Twice, Mississippi (Lisa's favorite place which is her camp), The Grand Canyon, Disney World, Delacroix, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, San Destine, Cap Code and the Jersey shore, New York City shows and Parades including the Macy's Thank giving Day Parade. And to think when we went to San Fran to Uncle Freddy's Condo in Feb. 2001 before Alexa was born (Lisa was 6 months pregnant and we thought healthy) because we did not think we would be traveling a lot with three young children. Lisa was the most special person I have or will ever meet. There are no words to describe her except to say that she was everything, mentor, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, niece, cousin, mother, wife, and most importantly my soul mate. Lisa never asked for anything she always just gave. She would have liked to have camped in the North East like she grew up in in Mississippi. With great memories for her New Orleans and Connecticut friends. Lisa would have liked that all of you family and friends stay closely involved with our lives and our children. I will try to honor Lisa's memory and that will be my life's work because people like Lisa only come around once in a lifetime. As sad and devastating as I am to have lost Lisa I feel blessed to have spent almost ten years with this special woman. Show people you love them when you can.
Chris Saley

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